Sweets Way, Whetstone, London
DLA Architects Practice’s design for a 288 home redevelopment of an archetypal ‘Radburn’ estate of ex-MoD homes in the London Borough of Barnet was several years in the preparation. The focus was to reconcile the aspirations of Barnet Planners, the Mayor’s Office and of course local people. Through numerous iterations, public exhibitions and professional negotiations, detailed proposals emerged that secured an outline planning approval granted unanimously at Committee. The development has since been sold and our Clients have realised the site’s maximum value.
Toads Hole Valley, Brighton & Hove
DLA Architects Practice were appointed by the Landowners in early 2016 to prepare a masterplan and outline application for this important 40Ha (100 acre) greenfield site on the main approach into Hove. After exhaustive discussions and negotiations with Brighton & Hove CC, SCC and the South Downs NP, a detailed outline application was lodged in late 2018 for 880 dwellings, 25,000m² of B1 Employment, 5Ha Secondary School, Local Centre, GP Practice and Community Buildings plus associated infrastructure, landscape and conservation areas, all to DLA AP’s designs.
Rudgate Village, Thorp Arch
Rudgate Village is a new mixed-use settlement designed by DLA Architects Practice for a brownfield site at Thorp Arch near Leeds. Almost 1000 homes are proposed with new shops, community facilities and a school. The scheme sits within a new 50-acre Country Park next to Thorp Arch Trading Estate, a regionally important source of some 4000 jobs. DLA AP’s design makes frequent references to the history of this former Royal Ordnance Factory, established in wartime 1942 but abandoned by the MoD in 1958.